以不同来源的典型籼稻光温敏不育系和不同生态类型的常规品种为材料 ,研究了其光温敏核不育性遗传规律及其与生育期的关系 ,结果表明 :(1)不同生态类型的常规籼稻品种均能恢复光温敏不育系的育性 ;(2 )不同来源的光温敏不育基因在可恢程度上有明显差异 ;(3)不同来源的光温敏核不育基因均能在不同生态类型的常规籼稻品种遗传背景中表达 ;(4)育性遗传与生育期遗传是完全独立的 ,以迟熟、强感光的晚稻常规品种为不育基因受体亲本 ,也能选育到早熟的完全不育株 ;(5 )在与早、中稻常规籼稻品种杂交时 ,早熟性遗传表现为超显性、完全显性或部分显性 ,但在与感光性强的晚稻品种杂交时 ,母本不育系的生育期对杂种生育期有较大的影响。对光温敏不育系可恢性较差的遗传机制以及早熟、优质实用光温敏不育系的选育策略进行了讨论。
Based on the photosynthetic and thermo-sensitive genic traits of photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile lines and their relationship with their growth stages, the typical indica photosensitive thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines from different sources and their conventional ecotypes were used as materials. The results showed that: (1) (2) There were significant differences in the degree of recoverability of photosynthetic light-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines from different sources; (3) Photo-thermo-sensitive nuclear of different origins (4) The genetic inheritance of fertility and the inheritance of growth period were completely independent. The conventional late-season and late-season indica rice varieties were male sterile gene receptor parents, (5) When crossed with the conventional indica rice varieties of early and middle-season, the genetic inheritance of early-maturity was over dominant, complete dominant or partial dominant. However, During the hybridization of late rice varieties, the growth period of female sterile lines had a greater impact on hybrid growth period. The genetic mechanism of poor thermo-plasticity of photosynthetic photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines and the breeding strategy of early-maturing and high quality photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines were discussed.