为害麦作的红蜘蛛,目前在西藏仅发现一种,即麦长脚红蜘蛛(P.latens Mijller),属蜘蛛纲蜱螨目叶螨科红斑螨属。主要分布在拉萨,山南,昌都等地。寄主除麦类作物还有燕麦草,白草,柳,杨等。小麦受害,叶面呈黄白色斑点,斑点合并成斑块,不利于光合作用,严重时叶枯死,不能抽穗,甚至死亡。
At present, only one species is found in Tibet, namely P.latens Mijller, belonging to the genus Acarina of the genus Acrididae. Mainly located in Lhasa, Shannan, Changdu and other places. In addition to the host wheat crops also oats grass, white grass, Liu, Yang and so on. Wheat victims, the leaves were yellow-white spots, spots merged into plaques, is not conducive to photosynthesis, severe leaves dead, can not be heading, and even death.