Male patient, 46 years old. After a private prosecution cold appeared systemic discomfort, cough, cough, white mucus sputum, with night sweats. No shortness of breath, fever, chills, chest pain, chest tightness, hemoptysis and other symptoms, no obvious physical examination. Previously suffering from secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in the right lung, chest X-ray 4 years ago showed right lower tuberculosis ball, has been completely calcified (Figure 1). Imaging findings: X-ray showed right lower lobe of leaf-shaped high-density film, the density is uneven, the edge is not clear around the see flocculus and fiber strip cable shadow (Figure 2), the original density of the inner tuberculin ball is uneven, visible Irregular low-density shadow. Further line CT examination, CT film shows the right lower lobe of high-density film and fiber strip shadow, the density is not