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互助会(含农村救灾扶贫互助储金会,储粮会,互助互济会)是救灾救济体制改革的产物。是民办、民管、民用的民间互助合作经济组织。目前全国互助会总数大约有20万个,储金20多亿元,储粮约1亿公斤。互助会的建立,为农村救灾备荒、扶贫济困、应急解难,服务于农村生产生活,发展农村集体经济,促进社会稳定,发扬民间互助合作精神,有效地提高民间闲散资金的使用效率,弥补农村信贷严重不足,加快农民脱贫致富奔小康的步伐,逐步建成农村基层社会保障体系发挥了显著作用。但是,随着社会的发展和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,互助会在发展中也暴露出了一系列问题,本文试从现阶段我国农村互助会存在的问题分析入手,提出其发展对策,使互助会走上规范化、制度化道路,最大限度地发挥互助会的基层社会保障功能。问题 Mutual Aid Association (including rural relief fund for mutual aid and mutual aid, grain reserves, mutual aid and mutual aid) is the product of disaster relief system reform. It is a non-governmental, cooperative and cooperative economic organization run by civilians, people’s houses and civilians. At present, the total number of mutual aid agencies in the country is about 200,000, with a deposit of over 2 billion yuan and about 100 million kg of stored grain. The establishment of Mutual Aid Association helps rural collectives and rural areas to promote their production and living, rural collective economy, promote social stability, promote mutual cooperation and cooperation, effectively improve the efficiency of the use of idle funds, and make up rural credit Serious shortage of farmers to speed up the pace of poverty alleviation and get well-off, and gradually establish a rural grass-roots social security system has played a significant role. However, with the development of society and the establishment of a socialist market economic system, Mutual Aid Association has also exposed a series of problems in its development. Starting with the analysis of the existing problems in China’s rural mutual aid associations, this paper proposes its development countermeasures so that Mutual Aid Society can go Standardize and institutionalize the road so as to give full play to the grassroots social security function of the mutual aid association. problem
随着全党工作重点转移到四化上来,认真抓紧职工的技术培训,已显得越来越迫切,越来越重要。 最近,铜陵发电厂发生了一次误操作事故。当时值班长命令电气值班员高师傅去拉掉4号
采用NVIDIA GeForce 3芯片的显卡在零售市场上仅仅出现几个星期后,该公司就马不停蹄地接着发布他们下一代的芯片产品了。Titanium系列正是在这个时候,按照NVIDIA过去几年相当成功的计划推出的产品。此计划
应用流动阻力计算理论 ,系统分析调节阀的阻力特性。在对调节阀的结构和流量调节特性分析的基础上。提出了衡量调节阀阻力特性的方法和特征参数 Application of flow resist