郑乃珖(1911—2005),号璧寿翁,福建省福州市闽侯县人。早年在上海、福建、广东、香港等地求学。1930年至上海,考入上海美术专科学校。1945年任教于台湾屏东师专。1 949年转香港格敛中学执教。20世纪50年代初,他在香港举办个人画展,获张大千等人赞誉。1952年,郑乃珖受同乡蔡鹤汀、蔡鹤洲之邀到西安,在常香玉主持的豫剧团从事舞台美术设计。时任西北美协副主席、西北文化部文物处处长的赵望云邀其
Zheng Nai 珖 (1911-2005), No. Biweng Weng, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Early years in Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Hong Kong and other places to study. 1930 to Shanghai, admitted to Shanghai Art College. 1945 taught at Pingtung Teachers College in Taiwan. 1 949 Hong Kong Geli convergence secondary schools coach. In the early 1950s, he held a solo exhibition in Hong Kong and was acclaimed by Zhang Daqian et al. In 1952, Zheng Naiyao was invited by fellow countrymen Crane He Ting and Cai Hok Chau to Xi’an to perform stage art design in the Yu Opera Troupe led by Chang Xiang Yu. Zhao Wangyun, vice chairman of the Northwestern American Association and chief of the cultural relics office of the Northwest Department of Culture, was invited by him