临床资料患者,女,52岁。主因面部皮损2年,加重1个月,于2013年9月4日就诊。2年前,无明显诱因患者双颧部出现10余个粟米大小红色丘疹,无自觉症状,皮损增多、渐累及面颊部,外用自购药膏略有好转。1个月前,皮损明显增多,于外院按“湿疹”给予复方甘草酸苷胶囊、甲泼尼龙片16 mg/d等治疗15d,来诊时仍口服甲泼尼龙片12 mg/d,效欠佳。系统
Clinical data, female, 52 years old. Mainly due to facial skin lesions for 2 years, an increase of 1 month, September 4, 2013 treatment. 2 years ago, there was no obvious incentive in patients with double-zygomatic head of more than 10 corn-size red papules, no symptoms, increased skin lesions, gradually and cheeks, topical ointment slightly improved. 1 month ago, the lesions significantly increased in the hospital according to “eczema ” given compound glycyrrhizin capsules, methylprednisolone tablets 16 mg / d and other treatment 15d, when diagnosed with methylprednisolone tablets 12 mg / d Poor effect. system