
来源 :四川戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenxu
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广西壮族是个善唱的民族,刘三姐山歌就来自这里,它是壮族劳动人民集体智慧的结晶,在劳动中兴起而作,合辙押韵、朗朗上口、代代相传,被称作壮族人民的口头文学,质朴向上却韵味十足,歌声是一种心声,是一种力量,充满着劳动生活的乐趣和对美好幸福生活的向往。 Guangxi Zhuang nationality is a singing and singing nation. Liu Sanjie’s folk songs come from here. It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the working people of Zhuang. They rise up in work, follow rhyme rhymes, catchy, and pass on from generation to generation. They are called oral literature of the Zhuang people , Simple but full of charm, singing is a kind of aspiration, is a force, full of the joy of working life and longing for a better happy life.