1月10日,全国交通工作会议在北京召开。交通部部长黄镇东在会上作了题为《认清形势,统一思想,推进交通改革和发展》的报告。 1995年全国交通工作会议的任务是:总结1994年的工作,并根据党的十四大、十四届三中全会、四中全会和中央经济工作会议的精神,部署今年的交通工作,继续围绕“抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放、促进发展、保持稳定”的全党全国工作大局,
January 10, the National Traffic Conference held in Beijing. Huang Zhendong, Minister of Communications made a speech titled “Understanding the Situation, Unifying Our Thoughts and Promoting Traffic Reform and Development”. The mission of the 1995 National Working Conference on Transportation was to summarize the work of 1994 and to deploy this year’s transportation work in keeping with the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Party, the Third Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session and the Central Economic Work Conference and continue to revolve around “Grasp the opportunity, deepen the reform, expand opening up, promote development and maintain stability” as the overall work of the entire party and the country,