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  Let’s call it “1)So You Think You Can Dance with the Stars of America’s Best Dance Crew.” “Burn the Floor”, the 2)electrifying Latin and 3)Ballroom dance 4)spectacular that has thrilled audiences in over 30 countries, is 5)populated with international ballroom champions. While there’s only about 15 ounces of collective body fat onstage, there’s also about 15 ounces of imagination.
  “Burn the Floor” has been touring internationally for 10 years. The program, first created for 6)Elton John’s 50th birthday celebration in 1997, stormed its way onto stages around the world in 1998 and has became the biggest touring dance show in the world, selling over 3 million tickets, from the Royal Albert Hall in London, Radio City Music Hall in New York to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It has a 7)tacky disco ball that descends periodically from the ceiling, two8)sprawling drum sets (with live drummers) on a platform above a virtually bare stage, two singers with hand 9)mics, one saxophone player, one violinist and what sounds like a whole lot of 10)synthesizers.
  On dance TV shows, tension is whipped up by competitive contestants. In nightclubs, the audience is softened up with alcohol. This means people cannot truly focus on dance. However, when it comes to “Burn the Floor”, things are different. On stage, the show, directed and 11)choreographed by Australian Jason Gilkison, takes audiences on a journey through the passionate drama of dance. The elegance of the Viennese Waltz, the 12)exuberance of 13)Jive, the intensity of the 14)Paso Doble—audiences can experience them all, as well as the 15)Tango,16)Samba, 17)Mambo, 18)Quickstep, and 19)Swing. It’s Ballroom dance with a sexy 21st century 20)edge.
  The women tend to have beautiful 21)taffy22)torsos, extended limbs and backless dresses that linger lovingly over plenty of butt 23)cleavage. Long hair and 24)fringe go whipping around with the snap of push-pull partnering and the contrary-motion 25)swivels of direction.
  A small but expert band of 20 dancers and, at times, a male or female singer, perform 11 different types of dance, some called standard, some Latin. They are all ballroom dances but, as Gilkison26)conceives them, they incorporate 27)balletic, 28)acrobatic and modern dance elements that no actual ballroom would even dream of.
  Exactly how is the show special? First, choreographically. There are extraordinarily difficult steps, complex 29)intertwinings, unusual lifts, a woman (or sometimes a man) 30)whirled around the floor or tossed about, clinging to various parts of a partner, one 31)tumbling or sailing over the other (elegantly, not 32)clownishly), separations and rejoinings, 33)gravity-defying parallel leaps.
  Next, 34)histrionically. The dancers claim among them more than 100 national or international championships, which generally go to performers who not only dance 35)superbly but also have something extra in looks, 36)bearing, ability to interact with partners and 37)ensembles. This is especially important for Gilkison, who cleverly designs matchups and groupings that have a commandingly 38)theatrical value. In one number a woman dances with six men; in another, one man with four women. Gilkison is also a master ofsuggestive mating of paired dancers to bring out specific 39)reverberations.
  Third, sexually. Gilkison has clearly steered his dancers into eyeing one another in powerfully affective ways: 40)provocative, yearning, jealous, or 41)amorously 42)blissful—even if, like Damon and Rebecca Sugden, they may in truth be a long-married couple.
  Lastly, it is fortunate, though perhaps 43)fortuitous, that the dancers come, by my count, from 11 different countries; it is inspiriting that whatever their ethnic differences, they are united in perfect harmony.
  This show is, as Gilkison rightly calls it, dance theater. It is comic and dramatic, 44)sensual and 45)lyrical, acrobatic and romantic—in short, utterly theatrical. The production manages to be 46)slick and sexy at the same time—it’s a 47)vulgarized dance marathon, an ’80s Vegas 48)variety show. There is something for everyone. And one thing is for sure: Not just TV dance fans will flock. Ticket sales will burn just as hot as the temperatures on the floor.
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