一、国家食品安全体系食品是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,而食品安全问题是关系到人体健康和国计民生的重大问题。无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,都越来越重视加强食品安全管理。这是因为与一些急性传染病对人体健康的危害不同,食品安全问题并不随着国民经济的发展、技术水平的提高,以及人民生活水平的提高,“自然而然”地得到解决。随着我国经济和社会的持续较高速度的发展,在基本解决食物供应(food security)问题的同
I. National food safety system Food is the material basis for human survival and development, and food safety issues are major issues related to human health and the people’s livelihood. Both developed and developing countries are paying more and more attention to strengthening food safety management. This is because the harm to human health is different from that of some acute infectious diseases. The food safety problem is not solved “naturally” as the development of the national economy, the improvement of technology, and the improvement of people’s living standards. With the continuous and high-speed development of China’s economy and society, we will basically solve the problem of food security.