扶桑,系锦葵科木槿属常绿灌木。原产我国南部。栽培历史悠久,战国时期我国南方就露地栽培,到明末清初逐步北移。栽培亦由露地发展到温室盆栽,由药用栽培发展到庭园观赏栽培。一、品系及其栽培环境要求 (一)品系:扶桑的栽培品种颇多,变种也很
Hibiscus, Department of Malvaceae Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub. Native southern China. The cultivation has a long history. During the Warring States period, the southern part of our country was cultivated in open fields and moved northward gradually from the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty. Cultivation also developed from the open to the greenhouse pots, from the cultivation of medicinal plants to the garden ornamental cultivation. First, the strains and their cultivation environment requirements (A) strains: Fuso cultivated varieties, variants are also very