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有一天,我在家门口玩,看见地上有三只小蚂蚁,它们正在找食物吃。我回家拿了一些面包、饼干屑,放在地上给它们吃。三只小蚂蚁看见了可开心啦!它们分头去找其他同伴帮忙。我在那里静静地观察,不一会儿来了几十只小蚂蚁,它们四只一群、五只一伙把那些食物全都搬走了。小蚂蚁们真勤劳,它们还在准备其他更多过冬的食物呢! One day I was playing at my door and saw three little ants on the ground, they were looking for food to eat. I went home and took some bread, cracker crumbs and put them on the ground to eat. Three little ants saw it happy! They go separately to find other companions to help. Where I quietly observed, a few dozen little ants came a short while, four of them a group, five of the group of those foods were all moved away. Small ants are hardworking, they are still preparing other more winter food it!
黑龙江哈佳铁路建设者以时不我待的果敢和敢于拼搏的勇气,一路破冰前行,实现了“干最难的、交最好的”的庄严承诺。  哈佳铁路西起“冰城”哈尔滨,东至“东极”佳木斯,位于黑龙江省中东部,是黑龙江省为响应国家铁路大发展形势、促进东北老工业区产能升级换代而建设的重要工程项目。官方称哈佳为快速铁路。  中铁五局机械化公司哈佳铁路项目部(以下简称“项目部”)承建该线第3标段工程。线路总长53.77千米,合同总价
谏壁船闸位于镇江市东面京杭大运河长江南岸入口处。该闸自1976年开始施工,1980年建成通航。 船闸施工过程中,下闸首倒拱底板局部发生漏水现象;随着下闸首两侧边墩墙浇注 T
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一、前 言 人们很早就在研究高强混凝土,采取的办法是大量减少单位用水量,对无坍落度的混凝土进行振捣和高压养护。此外,在普通波特兰水泥中掺入二氧化硅粉末,经搅拌后对混
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