由冶金部中国黄金总公司主持的“砂金矿床露天开采工艺设备”技术鉴定会于10月8日—12日,在内蒙古集宁市乌盟黄金公司召开。冶金部科技司、大专院校、设计研究院所等十几个单位代表及省、地区黄金系统的专家、工程技术人员参加了会议。 “内排土场小矿块推土机采矿方法”科研项目是由冶金部长春黄金究研所负责,并由长春黄金研究所,内蒙古察佑中旗转金召金矿,长春黄金设计院共同完成。在157天的工业试验中,共采出矿砂8.23万立方米,剥离量14.9万立方米,经TSL—40露天砂金洗选成套设备处理,共生产黄金2375两,创产值203万元,实现利润102万元。
The Technical Appraisal of Opencast Mining Equipment for Gold and Gold Deposits hosted by the China National Metallurgical Corporation was held on October 8-12 in Inner Mongolia Wuning Gold Company. Metallurgical Division of Science and Technology, tertiary institutions, design and Research Institute and a dozen units on behalf of provincial and regional gold system experts, engineers and technicians attended the meeting. The project of “Mining Method of Small Excavator Bulldozer within Dumping Site” is undertaken by Changchun Gold Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy and is jointly completed by Changchun Gold Research Institute, Zhundongzhao Gold Mine of Chaowangzhong Banner in Inner Mongolia and Changchun Gold Design Institute. In 157 days of industrial tests, a total of 82,300 cubic meters of ore was mined and the amount of peel was 149,000 cubic meters. After processing TSL-40 open-air sand washing equipment, a total of 2375 gold pieces of gold were produced, with a production value of 2.03 million yuan and a profit of 102 million.