介绍了直喷式柴油机伞形喷雾燃烧系统的燃烧过程和性能试验结果。将伞喷嘴与深缩口型燃烧室配合 ,在四气门单缸 1 35型柴油机上进行了试验。试验结果表明 ,该燃烧系统的性能在低负荷工况较好 ,在高负荷工况较差。伞喷嘴的喷油率较高 ,燃油于着火前已几乎全部喷入缸内。伞形喷雾径向贯穿能力很弱 ,造成燃烧室外围的空气利用不充分。这种燃烧系统以预混合燃烧为主 ,因而提出了直喷式柴油机新的燃烧概念
The combustion process and performance test results of the umbrella spray combustion system of direct injection diesel engine are introduced. The umbrella nozzle and retract mouth-shaped combustion chamber with the four-valve single cylinder 1 35 diesel engine was tested. The test results show that the performance of the combustion system is better at low load conditions and worse at high load conditions. Umbrella nozzle fuel injection rate is high, the fuel injected into the cylinder almost all before the fire. Umbrella spray radial penetration is weak, resulting in the use of air around the combustion chamber is not sufficient. This kind of combustion system is predominately mixed combustion, and thus put forward the new combustion concept of direct injection diesel engine