目的:探讨神经介导性晕厥(NMS)发作的昼夜节律.方法:选择2013-12至2015-04期间在中南大学湘雅二医院晕厥专科门诊就诊或住院的NMS患者411例,其中青少年(0.05),HUTT阳性组年龄低于HUTT阴性组(P0.05);HUTT阳性组中,不同反应类型(直立性低血压和直立性高血压除外)患者在不同时间段晕厥发作次数差异未见统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)性别与年龄差异:6:00 am~12:00 am发生晕厥男性多于女性,18:00 pm~24:00 pm发生晕厥男性少于女性(P0.05. In HUTT (+) group, different HUTT responses (except orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic hypertension) had similar onset frequency at various period,P>0.05.③Differences in gender and age: at 06:00-12:00 period, the onset in male was more than female and at 18:00-24:00 period, the onset in male was less than female,P<0.05. The younger the patients were, the more onsets were at 06:00-12:00 period, the older the patients were, the more onsets were at 00:00-06:00 period,P<0.001. Conclusion: The onset of syncope had circadian rhythm and it was mainly occurred at 06:00-12:00 period of the day. There were gender and age differences for the onset frequency during 4 periods of a day.