Soil particle size distribution and its relationship with soil water and salt under mulched drip irr

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thomas012
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Soil particle size distribution(PSD),one of the most important soil physical attributes,is of great importance to soil water movement,soil erosion and soil solute migration.In this study,the soil PSD of 563 soil samples from the mulched drip irrigated cotton fields in Xinjiang of China were measured by laser diffraction particle size analyzer.The soil PSD characteristics and its relations with soil water and salt were studied by using the combined methods of textural triangle,fractal and multifractal analysis.The results showed very low clay content(about 1.52%) while really high sand content of the studied soil,and a complex shape of bimodal or unimodal of soil PSD.The results also showed that the two indices,i.e.,standard deviation and the peak value of soil particle relative volumes,were good indicators of soil PSD and thus had good relations with fractal and multifractal characteristics.The correlative analysis further indicated that the mulched drip irrigation had a significant impact on the distribution of the soil salt,while this impact withered for the deeper soil layer.The soil texture feature was found to dominate soil water and salt distribution,especially the surface soil salt content and the deep soil water content. Soil particle size distribution (PSD), one of the most important soil physical attributes, is of great importance to soil water movement, soil erosion and soil solute migration. In this study, the soil PSD of 563 soil samples from the mulched drip irrigated cotton fields in Xinjiang of China were measured by laser diffraction particle size analyzer. The soil PSD characteristics and its relations with soil water and salt were studied by using the combined methods of textural triangle, fractal and multifractal analysis. The results showed very low clay content ( about 1.52%) while really high sand content of the studied soil, and a complex shape of bimodal or unimodal of soil PSD. The results also showed that the two indices, ie, standard deviation and the peak value of soil particle relative volumes, were good indicators of soil PSD and thus had good relations with fractal and multifractal characteristics.The correlative analysis further indicated that the mulched drip irrigation had a significant im pact on the distribution of the soil salt, while this impact withered for the deeper soil layer. soil texture feature was found to dominate soil water and salt distribution, especially the surface soil salt content and the deep soil water content.
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1  在《水浒传》第六十一回“吴用智赚玉麒麟”一段,吴用为了达到让卢俊义上山入伙的目的,由其口述,叫卢俊义在自家墙壁上写下了一首诗:  芦花滩上有扁舟,俊杰黄昏独自游。  义到尽头原是命,反躬逃难必无忧。  诗中所述同吴用算命劝其出走之意相同,但其真意却暗藏在每一句的第一个字当中,即“卢俊义反”四个字。这种诗叫“藏头诗”,又名“藏头格”。它是古杂体诗中的一种,字句不限,但也讲究音韵对仗。藏头诗除本