百丈一级水电站大坝建于 6 0年代初 ,虽经两次加高处理仍存在防洪标准低、坝体填筑质量差、心墙防渗透性能差以及绕坝渗漏异常等问题。在大坝安全定期检查的推动和指导下 ,通过坝体劈裂灌浆、帷幕灌浆、用塑性混凝土 (粘土 )回填心墙、加高坝顶和增建非常溢洪道等一系列措施 ,消除了隐患 ,提高了大坝的安全度 ,被评为正常坝
Baizhang first stage hydropower dam was built in the early 1960s. Despite two heightening treatments, there are still some problems such as low flood control standards, poor dam filling quality, poor impermeability of the core wall and abnormal leakage around the dam. Under the guidance of the regular inspection of dam safety, a series of measures such as splitting grouting in the dam, curtain grouting, backfilling of the core wall with plastic concrete (clay), heightening the crest of the dam and building of a spillway are eliminated, Improve the safety of the dam, was rated as normal dam