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  [中图分类号] [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-9646(2012)7-0030-02
  The purpose I write the article is to make a survey and analyze if it is practical for Starbucks to open a new store at Sichuan University campus. I discuss the topic more in consumer behaviors. I made questionnaires and sent them to students of Sichuan University from different majors and grades, and I got 76 questionnaires which are effective finally.
  Starbucks is a large multinational chain of coffee shops with its corporate headquarters in Seattle,Washington. 84.42 percents undergraduates knows the Starbucks brand before. The Starbucks can attract many students to have a first taste relying on its brand popularity. The Starbucks offers free, unlimited Wi-Fi in all company-run stores. Students depend on computers more and more to compete things, so free wi-Fi is attracted to them.As for undergraduates, they need a gorgeous place where they can talk about team stuffs and do their work. They can also just stay at the place alone and enjoy personal space. Almost all Students love music, Starbucks shops are decorated with live music and artists'' work,which can meet their demands.
  If Starbucks still takes customary straight battalion kind, the possibility of gain is very little.Starbucks stores make drinks and foods by imported machines and ingredients and its excellent decoration increase cost and raise prices. 84.42 percents of the reasons why they do not come into Starbucks shops is the high price. Another question is that Starbucks offers limited drinks and foods,and some people complain that it seems that they have no other choice at Starbucks shops if they do not like coffee so much. About 6.49% people said about the stores'' conditions problem.Only 6.49 percents often drink coffee.
  Accepting Starbucks is a representation that Sichuan University has cultural tolerance which works in concert with our school motto "The sea owe its increasing capacity to its admittance of the accession of various sizes of fluid liquids". Starbucks can also reflect a university''s fame and status. On the other hand, near 78 percents could be potential consumers especially 45.45 percents believe in Starbucks good career at the university. 66.23 percents of students in total will come into Starbucks at least one time a month. There is over 40 000 students in Sichuan University. It is a huge potential market. And near 5.19 percents of students would like to entering into Starbucks shop 4 to 6 times a month. These loyal customers can guarantee basic operations.   2.4 THREATS
  Only 16.89 percents of students can dispose over 1000 yuan a month by themselves. Students'' consuming ability is very narrow. Above all, near 30 percents of students'' disposable money is during 0 to 500 yuan a month. It is difficult for us to imagine how they can ensure enough food and clothing let alone going to Starbucks which offers coffee whose price is equal to 3 or 4 days meals.72.73 percents of students in total spend less than 50 yuan on drinks a month. The result is somewhat amazing, and 50 yuan can not offset a decent meal at Starbucks shop.The group who possesses of definite consumption ability is too little.
  Sichuan university has over 3 small-scale beverage stores. They sell a variety of drinks for example soya-bean milk, milky tea ,cola and so on. As 18.18 percents of students generally spend no money on drinks every month. And it must be admitted that 30 percents of students are loyal customers of stores not Starbucks.
  2.5 Conclusion
  For Starbucks, it is not a good timing to entering into Sichuan University. I have completed SWOT analysis of the feasibility. Obviously, disadvantages win overwhelming margin. Students'' consumption ability is the key to current situation.It could come down to general economic level of China. If Starbucks want to succeed on its campus career, it must wait for right timing that will come 3 or 5 years later.
  [2]LIGHT INDUSTRY[J]. China''s Foreign Trade,2009,(04).
  [3]慕庆涛.星巴克体验 营销剖析[J].企业活力,2004,(09).
  [4]星巴克价目, com/ view/605078717 fd5360 cba1adbf7. html.
  Author introduction: Tang Ji(1991.1), female,chengdu in Sichuan province, major in international economy and trade of Sichuan university。
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