书名:我决定简单地生活作者:﹝日﹞佐佐木典士译者:程礼礼出版:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社出版日期:2017年01月开本:889 mm×1194 mm 1/32文字:201千字页码:286页定价:$39.90元乔布斯曾说:“你的时间有限,请不要为别人而活。”同样,你的时间有限,请不要为杂物而活。少,就是幸福。身边的物品越少,人生就越幸福。因为我们再也不需要物品填满我们的人生。36岁的佐佐木典士曾一度被繁琐的生活困扰着,然而他接
Title: I decided to simply live Author: ﹝ ﹞ day Sasaki Code with disabilities Translator: Cheng ritual ceremony publishing: Jiangsu Phoenix Science and Technology Press Publication Date: January 2017 Folio: 889 mm × 1194 mm 1/32 words: 201 thousand words Page : 286 pages Price: $ 39.90 Jobs said: “You have limited time, please do not live for others. ” Similarly, your time is limited, please do not live for sundries. Less, is happiness. The fewer items around, the happier life will be. Because we no longer need items to fill our lives. The 34-year-old Noriko Sasaki was once troubled by complicated life, but he answered