Microprocessors Progress Microprocessors have been around for more than a decade. Currently, microprocessor systems are used in all fields and their use is becoming more widespread. As semiconductor technology advances, microprocessors move toward multifunctionality and high performance, starting with 8-bit microprocessors capable of handling 8-bit data, up to 16-bit microprocessors and even 32-bit microprocessors. In addition, due to the continuous expansion of microprocessor systems, system power consumption and heat dissipation are the main focuses of system design. There is an urgent need to achieve low power consumption. Typical low-power devices have CMOS devices. In the past, although CMOS devices achieved low power consumption, they had the disadvantage of slow speed. Generally, high-speed devices use NMOS devices. As semiconductor technology advances, CMOS devices have reached the same speed as NMOS devices.