具有微米或亚微米尺度微结构的光子晶体光纤被证明非常适用于高效反斯托克斯波的频率转换。纳焦耳量级的 飞秒激光脉冲在光子晶体光纤的传输过程中,通过控制入射光的偏振方向或者耦合模式可以产生具有可调频率的反斯托 克斯超短脉冲,并具有极高的转换效率。
Photonic crystal fibers with micron or sub-micron scale microstructures have proven to be very suitable for efficient anti-Stokes wave frequency conversion. Nanofouling-class femtosecond laser pulses produce anti-Stokes ultrashort pulses with adjustable frequencies by controlling the polarization direction or coupling mode of incident light during the transmission of photonic crystal fibers with extremely high conversion effectiveness.