开展低压线路整改,实行表箱集装管理是杜绝农村用电“三乱”,降低低压线路损耗,保证农村安全用电,提高供电可靠率的一项关键技术措施和主要工作途径。沁源县电业局从1988年开始集中对全县259个用电行政村、68个用电自然村进行大刀阔斧的低压线路整改,全部实行表箱集装管理,五年时间,大见成效,使全县农电管理工作摆脱了困境,走出了低谷。至1993年底,全县村村实现了用电标准化,低压线损由原来的40%降至10%以下,受到了人民群众的赞扬和各级政府、上级主管部门的表彰。1994年“三为”服务达标验收,被电力部命名为全国“三为”服务达标验收合格单位。 1987年,全县22个乡镇相继建立了电力管理站,为了彻底改变全县农村用电管理的混乱局面,我们通过调查研究,认为唯一的出路就是首先对全县现有的农村低压电网进行全面整改,全部实行表箱集装管理。
The development of low-voltage line rectification and the implementation of table-case assembly management are a key technical measure and a major way of working to eliminate the “three chaos” in rural areas, reduce the loss of low-voltage lines, ensure the safe use of electricity in rural areas, and increase the reliability of electricity supply. In 1988, the Wuyuan County Electric Power Bureau began to focus on the rectification of 259 low-voltage power lines in the county and 68 natural-electricity villages in the county. Since the implementation of the table-case assembly management, it has achieved remarkable results for five years. The county’s rural power management work got rid of the predicament and got out of the bottom. By the end of 1993, the county’s villages had achieved standardization of electricity use, and the low-voltage line loss was reduced from 40% to below 10%. It was praised by the people and commended by governments at all levels and superior authorities. In 1994, the “Three for the” service met the standard acceptance and was named by the Ministry of Power as a qualified unit for the nation’s “three services” service. In 1987, 22 townships in the county established power management stations one after another. In order to completely change the chaos in the county’s rural power management, we investigated and concluded that the only way out is to first comprehensively implement the existing rural low-voltage power grid in the county. Rectification, all the implementation of table box assembly management.