目的探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(DFSP)的临床病理特征及免疫表型。方法回顾分析26例DFSP的临床病理资料、组织学特点及免疫组化标记。结果 26例DFSP中,男性8例,女性18例,平均年龄35.5岁。发生于躯干21例(82.4%)、四肢5例(17.6%)。DFSP的类型多样,基本组织学表现是梭形细胞呈车辐状排列,在真皮、皮下组织内浸润性生长。26例CD34均为(+),S-100和SMA均(-),1例CD68(+)。结论 DFSP有典型的临床表现和特征性的免疫组化标记,需与其他梭形细胞肿瘤相鉴别。手术扩大切除后应注意随访。
Objective To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics and immunophenotype of dermatofibrosarcoma (DFSP). Methods Retrospective analysis of 26 cases of DFSP clinical and pathological data, histological features and immunohistochemical markers. Results In 26 cases of DFSP, there were 8 males and 18 females, with an average age of 35.5 years. Occurred in the trunk of 21 cases (82.4%), limbs in 5 cases (17.6%). Diverse types of DFSP, the basic histological manifestation of spindle cells were arranged in a radial pattern, in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue invasive growth. 26 cases of CD34 were (+), S-100 and SMA were (-), 1 case of CD68 (+). Conclusion DFSP has typical clinical manifestations and characteristic immunohistochemical markers, which need to be differentiated from other spindle cell tumors. After surgical excision should pay attention to follow-up.