虽说下代iPhone离我们还比较遥远,但现在有关它的传闻已经开始多了起来。从目前曝光的情况和苹果一贯的升级策略来看,iPhone 6必然是个大改款。现在国外媒体au.ibtimes给出消息称,下代iPhone的屏幕将具备裸眼3D功能,并且该机的电池容量会变大,同时其屏幕大小会超越4寸。不久前苹果收购了3D传感器公司PrimeSense,而苹果的新动作也引发了外界的猜想,而对于这项
Although the next generation iPhone is still far away from us, but now the rumors about it have begun to rise. From the current exposure and Apple’s consistent upgrade strategy point of view, iPhone 6 is bound to be a big facelift. Now foreign media au.ibtimes given the news that the next generation of the iPhone’s screen will have the naked eye 3D capabilities, and the machine’s battery capacity will be larger, while its screen size will exceed 4 inches. Not long ago, Apple acquired 3DSense company PrimeSense, and Apple’s new action also triggered the outside world to guess, but for this