我喜欢上海。 我心中的上海永远是与美、爱、浪漫、激情连在一起的。 我对上海魂牵梦索般的钟情与向往,此前多半来自电影和小说。《一江春水向东流》、《子夜》、《蚀》、《永不消逝的电波》、《战上海》、《万家灯火》……这些反映特定年代上海的文艺作品,深深地感染过我,曾强烈地激荡过我少女时代的心灵。无论是十里洋场的上海滩,还是金枝玉叶的红颜轶事,无论是资本家之间尔虞我诈的商战,还是早期共产党人的英勇壮烈,以及后来通过新闻媒体了解到新中国成立后上海翻天覆地的变化,
I like Shanghai. Shanghai in my heart is always connected with beauty, love, romance and passion. I love Shanghai dreamlike love and longing, mostly from the movies and novels. “One Jiangchun Flows to the East”, “Midnight,” “Erosion,” “Never-Ending Waves,” “Warring Shanghai,” and “Wanjia Lights.” These literary and artistic works that reflect the specific era of Shanghai are deeply infected I, had strongly inspired my girl’s soul. Whether it is the beach of Shiliyangyangdian or the anecdote of Jinzhiyuye, whether it is the commercial war that intrigues the capitalists or the heroic and heroic nature of the early communists, and later the news media understands the earth-shaking changes in Shanghai after the founding of New China,