(一) 长春市净月潭实验林场现有樟子松人工用材林一千余公顷。最早为一九五四年营造。初植株行距有三种规格,即1.5×1.5米、1.0×1.5米和0.75×1.5米。均为纯林。二十多年来,樟子松在净月潭林区不仅生长迅速,而且明显地表现出抗寒、抗旱、耐瘠薄、抗虫害等优良特性。为提高樟子松种子的产量和质量,以尽快推广这一优良用材树种,一九七二年计划改造部分用材林为母树林经营。
(A) Changchun City Jingyuetan Experimental Forest existing Pinus sylvestris plantation more than a thousand hectares. The earliest was built in 1954. The beginning of plant spacing has three specifications, namely 1.5 × 1.5 meters, 1.0 × 1.5 meters and 0.75 × 1.5 meters. Are pure forest. For more than two decades, Pinus sylvestris not only grows rapidly in Jingyuetan forest area, but also shows its excellent characteristics such as cold resistance, drought resistance, infertility resistance and insect resistance. In order to improve the yield and quality of Pinus sylvestris seed so as to promote this excellent timber species as soon as possible, in 1972 it is planned to transform part of the timber plantation into a mother tree forest.