
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaiguainiu1
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Background &Aims: Visceral hypersensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients has been documented by evaluation of perceived stimulations that can reflect abnormalities of both sensory neurocircuitry and cognitive processes. The presence of actual neurohypersensitivity in human beings has not been documented separately. Because subliminal stimulations are free from the influence of stimulus-related cognitive processes, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) cortical response to these stimuli can be considered a measure of activity of the neural circuitry alone. The aim of this study was to compare quantitatively the cerebral cortical fMRI activity response to equal subliminal stimulations between IBS patients and age-matched controls. Methods: We studied 10 IBS patients and 10 healthy controls using a computerized barostat-controlled rectal distention device. fMRI activity volume and percent maximum signal intensity change for equal subliminal distention pressures were compared between controls and patients. Results: Three levels of subliminal distention pressures (eg, 10, 15, and 20 mm Hg), were represented in both controls and patients and were analyzed for fMRI response. In all 3 distention levels the fMRI activity volume in IBS patients was significantly larger than age-and sex-matched controls (P < .05). The percent maximum signal intensity change was similar between IBS patients and controls. Conclusions: The volume of cerebral cortical activity response to equal subliminal distention pressures in IBS patients is significantly larger than in controls, documenting the existence of hypersensitivity of the neural circuitry in this patient group irrespective of stimulus-related cognitive processes. Background & Aims: Visceral hypersensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients has been documented by evaluation of perceived stimulations that can reflect abnormalities of both sensory neurocircuitry and cognitive processes. The presence of actual neurohypersensitivity in human beings has not been documented separately. Because subliminal stimulations are free from the influence of stimulus-related cognitive processes, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) cortical response to these stimuli can be considered a measure of activity of the neural circuitry alone. The aim of this study was to compare quantitatively the cerebral cortical fMRI activity: response to equal subliminal stimulations between IBS patients and age-matched controls. Methods: We studied 10 IBS patients and 10 healthy controls using a computerized barostat-controlled rectal distention device. fMRI activity volume and percent maximum signal intensity change for equal subliminal distention effort were c Results: Three levels of subliminal distention pressures (eg, 10, 15, and 20 mm Hg), were represented in both controls and patients and were analyzed for fMRI response. In all 3 distention levels the fMRI activity volume in IBS patients was significantly larger than age-and sex-matched controls (P <.05). The percent maximum signal intensity change was similar between IBS patients and controls. Conclusions: The volume of cerebral cortical activity response to equal subliminal distention pressures in IBS patients is significantly larger than in controls, documenting the existence of hypersensitivity of the neural circuitry in this patient group irrespective of stimulus-related cognitive processes.
通过对山西省16座水库的水质监测、评价,分析了该省大中型水库水质变化趋势,同时简要提出了水库水环境保护对策建议。 Through monitoring and evaluating the water quality of
为全面落实江西省国税局提出的“一个中心 ,两个关键 ,四轮驱动”的工作思路和地区国税局的工作要求 ,樟树市国税局牢牢抓住思想政治工作这个切入点 ,结合樟树实际对新形势下
摘要:我园将传统文化与儿童的现实生活状态相连,在“传承经典、融合现代”理念的引领下,在《纲要》和《指南》的指引下,遵循“古为今用,旧法新玩”的原则,挖掘民间体育游戏的精华,通过改革与创新变革为适合幼儿年龄特点的游戏,从而来弘扬民族文化。  关键词:游戏;民间游戏;民族根植  中图分类号:G613文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)24-012-1  我们把优秀的适宜幼儿发展
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