目的:本研究采用DRM范式(Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm),考察了关联性记忆错觉的年龄效应。方法:采用2(年级)×3(项目类型)实验设计进行实验。结果:结果发现:①大学二年级被试学习项目的正确再认率和关键诱饵的虚假再认率差异不显著;小学五年级被试学习项目的正确再认率和关键诱饵的虚假再认率差异显著;②大学二年级和小学五年级在学习项目的正确再认率上差异不显著,在关键诱饵的虚假再认率和未学过词的错误再认率上差异显著。结论:在经典的DRM范式下,关联性记忆错觉存在着年龄差异,并且有随着年龄的增长而增长的趋势。
OBJECTIVE: In this study, the DRM paradigm (Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm) was used to investigate the age effect of associative memory illusions. Methods: Experiments were conducted using a 2 (grade) × 3 (project type) experimental design. Results: The results showed that: (1) There was no significant difference between the correct recognition rate of the second-year subjects and the false recognition rate of the key bait; the correct recognition rate of the fifth-grade primary-school subjects and the false recognition rate of the key decoy There was no significant difference between the second graders and the fifth graders on the correct recognition rates of learning programs. There was significant difference between the false recognition rates of the key decoys and the unrecognized errors. CONCLUSIONS: In the classic DRM paradigm, there is an age difference in associative memory illusion, and there is a tendency to grow with age.