本文基于长三角、珠三角、环渤海和成渝地区12个城市流动人口调查数据,采用二值响应模型研究了影响城市流动人口子女随迁选择的个体、家庭和迁移因素.研究发现,子女的随迁就学主要受到迁移能力和迁移意愿两个方面的影响.男孩、年级越低的儿童越容易随迁;家庭迁移人数越多、距离越近、非农收入比例越高、教育开支占家庭总开支的比例越高、祖父母健康状况越低的家庭越容易带子女进城就学;其中,家庭随迁能力因素对女孩的随迁选择影响更明显,而家庭的迁移意愿因素对男孩的随迁影响更显著.最后,本文对流动人口子女随迁就学的制度影响和政策含义进行了讨论.,Based on the survey data on the floating population in 12 cities of the Yangtze River Delta Region,the Pearl River Delta Region,the Bohai Sea Region,and the Chengdu-Chongqing Region,the paper studies the individual,family,and migrant factors concing the place for the migrant workers’ children to get education using binary response model.Research shows that whether floating children choose to get education in cities is mainly affected by the families’ migrant ability and willingness.Boys and the lower gra...