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1987年,美国的两个邮递员科尔曼和施罗特,无意间对一个小男孩手中的一种发亮光的荧光棒产生了兴趣,仔细琢磨间两人突发灵感,这玩意是小朋友用来把玩的玩具,如果再能附加上儿童喜爱的食物,拼装成能玩能吃的东西肯定会受到孩子们的喜欢。于是他们俩毫无目的地尝试,当棒棒糖被随手放在荧光棒顶端时,期待的结果出现了:光线穿过半透明的糖果,显现出一种奇幻的效果。这一少有技术含量的组合发现,让两人惊喜异常。他们为此申请了发光棒棒糖专利,还把这个专利卖给了开普糖果公司,赚到了奇思妙想的第一桶金。 In 1987, Coleman and Schroit, the two US mailers, inadvertently interested in a bright light stick in the hands of a small boy and carefully studied the inspiration between the two. This is a toy for kids. To play with toys, if you can add children’s favorite food, the things that can be assembled to play can be enjoyed by children. So both of them tried desperately. When the lollipop was placed on the top of the light stick, the desired result appeared: The light passed through the translucent candy, showing a fantastic effect. This combination of little technical content was found to surprise the two people. They applied for a glowing lollipop patent and sold the patent to Cape Candy Co., Ltd., earning the whim of the first pot of gold.