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四川九寨-黄龙机场位于松潘县川主寺镇东侧12公里,坐落在我国著名风景区九寨沟和黄龙中间,距九寨沟风景区83公里,距黄龙风景区52公里。机场场址处于岷江东侧五级阶地的一片连续山梁上,场址原始地貌为北面和东面较高而南面和西面较低,场址内有七条冲沟。跑道设计高程3439.7米,长度3200米,4C级,跑道方位18.9°~199.9°,场址平整土石方量为5200万米,是我国土石方工程量最大的民用机场,在世界上民用机场土石方量也名列前茅。该机场由于地处世界著名文化遗产风景区九寨沟和黄龙之间,机场的建设始终受到四川省主要领导和国务院的高度关注。九寨-黄龙机场从1984年开始前期工作,跑道选址经过反复论证和比选,直至2000年底才最终敲定目前实施的红星场址。2001年4月 Sichuan Jiuzhai-Huanglong Airport is located 12 kilometers east of Chuanzhusi Town in Songpan County, located in the middle of Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, a famous scenic spot in China, 83 kilometers away from Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area and 52 kilometers away from Huanglong Scenic Area. The airport site is located on a continuous mountain ridge on the fifth terrace on the east side of the Minjiang River. The original landscape of the site is higher on the north and east and lower on the south and west, with seven gullys on the site. The runway has an elevation of 3439.7 meters, a length of 3200 meters, a depth of 4C and a runway of 18.9 ° to 199.9 °. The site is 52 million meters of earthwork and is the largest civilian-earth airport with a large amount of earthwork in the world. . The airport is located between the world famous cultural and scenic spots Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the construction of the airport has always been the main leaders of Sichuan Province and the State Council’s attention. Jiuzhai - Huanglong Airport preliminary work started in 1984, the runway site after repeated demonstration and comparison, until the end of 2000 before finalizing the current implementation of the Red Star site. April 2001
考古学家邹衡曾结合古代文献从考古学的角度提出“姜炎文化” 与“姬周文化” 的概念。他认为,“姜炎文化” 与“姬周文化”是先周文化的西、东源头,它们相互融合,又在不断