赤峰市节能型日光温室在寒冷的 12月和 1月,能使耕层平均地温稳定在 12~ 14℃,可获得≥ 10℃的活动积温 888 7℃,且 9∶ 00~ 10∶ 00时增温较快,可以基本满足作物光合作用高峰期对温度的需要,夜间的相对低温可抑制养分呼吸消耗。平均相对湿度,白天为 48%~ 82%,夜间稍高,但对作物的不利影响不大。通过改善温室结构性能,采取多层覆盖等综合技术抗御持续低温寡照,合理利用采光时段,正确掌握揭盖草苫时间,可收到较好效果。
Chifeng energy-saving solar greenhouse in cold December and January, the average temperature of the topsoil can be stabilized at 12 ~ 14 ℃, access to ≥ 10 ℃ active accumulated temperature 888 7 ℃, and 9:00 ~ 10:00 Rapid warming can basically meet the crop photosynthesis peak temperature needs, the relatively low temperature at night can inhibit the consumption of nutrients. Average relative humidity, 48% ~ 82% during the day, slightly higher at night, but not adversely affect the crop. By improving the performance of the greenhouse structure, multi-layer coverage and other comprehensive technology to combat persistent low temperature and low light, reasonable use of lighting period, the correct grasp of the time to get better results, can receive better results.