目的了解药物流产和人工流产妇女心理状态是否有差异及其相关影响因素。方法采用SDS量表对入选的药物流产和人工流产妇女各30例进行心理测试,并对其采用自行设计的问卷进行问卷调查。结果30例药物流产妇女SDS评分结果(x±s)为35.43±7.96,30例人工流产妇女SDS评分结果(x±s)为50.97±10.93,药流组与人流组SDS评分比较,﹤0.05;药物流产和人工流产妇女家庭支持程度比较结果u=2.44,药流组与人流组比较,﹤0.05;流产妇女文化程度比较,*﹤0.01,?﹤0.01;人流组婚姻状况比较,**﹤0.05。结论药物流产组的心理状态明显好于人工流产组。“,”Objective Understood that medicine miscar iage and induced abortion woman psychology whether to have the dif erence and the related influencing factor. Methods Uses the SDS meter car ies on the psychological test to the selected medicine miscar iage and induced abortion woman each 30 examples, and uses the questionnaire which to it independently designs to carry on the questionnaire survey. Results 30 example medicine miscar iage woman SDS grading result ( x±s) is 35.43±7.96,30 the example induced abortion woman SDS grading result ( x±s) is 50.97±10.93, the medicine class group and the stream of people group SDS grading compares, ﹤0.05;The medicine miscar iage and induced abortion woman family degree of support comparison result u=2.44, the medicine class group and the stream of people group compare, ﹤0.05;Miscar iage woman years of schooling comparison,* ﹤0.01,? ﹤0.01;Stream of people group marital status comparison,**﹤0.05. Conclusion Medicine miscar iage group's psychology obvious good in induced abortion group.