14年前的第一把大火,让劣质皮鞋代名词的温州鞋业沉入谷底;1999年,杭州,复苏后的温州鞋业领跑者奥康集团在这个当年的耻辱之地再燃一把火,2000多双假冒奥康的外地鞋付之一炬。扬眉吐气终有时,奥康总裁王振滔成了温州人心目中的品牌英雄。 从自筹的3万元资金起步,13年的时间里,王振滔通过一场场“品牌革命”把奥康从一个小作坊变成一个净资产3亿多的鞋业集团。现在,他想让奥康这个家族企业再来一场“制度革命”,借改制上市来闯过民营企业难以跨跃的产权关。如果成功,等待王振滔和他领跑的“温州系”都是一场加速跑……
The first fire 14 years ago, so inferior shoes synonymous of Wenzhou footwear industry bottomed out; in 1999, Hangzhou, Wenzhou shoe recovery after the recovery of Aokang Group in this year’s humiliation reburk a fire, more than 2000 Double counterfeit Aokang shoes to pay the torch. Finally, proud and outgoing, Aokang President Wang Zhentao Wenzhou became the brand hero in mind. From the self-funded 30,000 yuan of funds started, 13 years, Wang Zhentao through a field “brand revolution” to Aokang from a small workshop into a net worth of 300 million more footwear industry group. Now, he wants Aokang this family business to another “system revolution”, through the listing of listed companies to break through private-owned enterprises difficult to leap in property rights. If successful, waiting for Wang Zhentao and his lead “Wenzhou Department” are an accelerated run ... ...