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  "This is my first visit to Chongqing, and I hope I will come back in the future." On February 26, visiting Croatian Ambassador to China Dario Mihelin was interviewed by reporters at the Chongqing Cultural and Tourism International Exchange Center. He shared what he saw and felt in Chongqing and looked forward to the cooperation prospect between China and Croatia and between Chongqing and Croatia.
  Explore the cooperation space provided by China-Europe Railway Express for Chongqing and Croatia
  Croatia is a major country responding to the "Belt and Road Initiative", and the inauguration of China-Europe Railway Express has promoted the economic and trade exchanges between China and Croatia. In 2018, China-Europe Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) kicked off a line from Eastern European countries such as Croatia and Hungary to Duisburg, Germany. Dario Mihelin said that one of the main purposes of his current visit to Chongqing is to explore the possibility of cooperation between Chongqing and Croatia offered by China-Europe Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe). Having visited Chongqing International Logistics Hub and BRI Commodity Exhibition and Exchange Center, he said he would follow up the project and promote more opportunities for trade cooperation between Chongqing and Croatia.   Dario Mihelin commented that the China-Europe Railway Express is a "great channel" and one of the fastest links between China and Europe. Through this channel, Croatia will introduce high-quality products to the Chinese market, in particular wine, olive oil and other agricultural products. "We are trying to introduce high-quality products such as meat, tuna and honey into China, so railway transportation is a wonderful choice."
  Dablio Mihelin also mentioned the Pelesac Bridge being built in Croatia is a major project advanced under the "Belt and Road" framework between China, Croatia and the EU and the largest infrastructure project in the country. It is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
  The opening of direct flights between China and Croatia will be actively promoted
  "Croatia received about 20 million tourists in 2019, almost five times the population of Croatia." Dario Mihelin said that tourism is a pillar industry of Croatia. Boasting rich tourism resources, the country has over 10% of its territory as national parks or natural parks, and is one of the most popular destinations in the Mediterranean.
  "I am particularly pleased that the number of Chinese tourists is on the rise." Dablio Mihelin introduced that nearly 500,000 Chinese tourists went to Croatia in 2019. If there were no COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, the number would have reached 700,000 or more.
  Dario Mihelin recommended the capital city of Zagreb and some beautiful coastal cities. The medieval city of Dubrovnik used to be the scene of the TV series Game of Thrones. The island of Korcula was the residence of Marco Polo family...
  In order to facilitate the travelling between the Chinese and Croatian people with closer ties, the opening of direct flights between China and Croatia is a matter of great attention of Dario Mihelin after he took office. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, he discussed with many airlines the possibility of opening direct flights between the two countries, and this matter awaits furthering after the outbreak. Dalio Mihelin said that Chongqing is also a famous tourist city and he will actively promote Chongqing to Croatia.
  Chongqing left me a lot of fond memories!
  Dalio Mihelin was deeply impressed by the splendid river scenery of Chongqing. He said that no matter from which angle, the complementary harmony between nature and city could be seen. A view from the cableway across the Yangtze River also presents an marvelous urban view.
  "The hospitality I received in Chongqing, as well as its local cuisines, make me feel at home." Dario Mihelin exclaimed, "Chongqing really leaves me many fond memories!"
  Dario Mihelin said that the visit informed him the great potential of Chongqing's development. Having discussed cooperation with relevant departments in trade, transportation, culture, tourism and other fields, he pinpointed matched areas of cooperation. "This marks a good start. I believe that with the cooperation determination of both sides, more concrete results will be achieved."
2021年6月8日,國务委员兼外长王毅在重庆会见来华工作访问的老挝外长沙伦赛。  王毅表示,今年是中国共产党成立100周年,也是中老建交60周年暨中老友好年。回顾两党两国交往史,双方志同道合、守望相助,传统友谊不断升华,互利合作日益深化,堪称命运共同体建设的真实写照。面对百年变局和世纪疫情,中方愿与老方一道,深入落实两党两国最高领导人重要共识,发扬传统友好,巩固互信合作,推动中老命运共同体建设不断
5月19日,2021年“中國旅游日”重庆市分会场活动暨第二届重庆涪陵绣球花节开幕式在涪陵区举行。全市各区县及景区共计推出142项优惠举措,预计惠民达10万人次,优惠金额超千万元,涵盖了景区免费、降价优惠,旅游助老、助残,抗疫工作者、劳动模范等群体特殊优惠;还有公益性文艺演出、公共文化场馆扩大开放等,诚邀八方游客领略“山水之城·美丽之地”的独特魅力。  On May 19, opening cere
摘要:立即停止对群众利益的损害、与群众平等交流协商、及时准确发布权威信息、主要领导第一时间赶赴现场、软要求与硬约束相结合等是群体性事件软着陆的重要技术性手段,符合新时期思想政治工作解决思想问题与实际问题相结合、主客体平等交流互动、实事求是、以身作则、说服教育与严格管理相结合的基本原则,是思想政治工作“生命线”作用的高度体现,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。  关键词:群体性事件;软着陆;技术性
作者简介:章逸然(1992),女,安徽铜陵人,主要从事宏观经济学研究。  摘要:介绍了改革开放以来中国服务贸易的发展情况,从产品生命周期视角,对中国服务贸易的各项竞争性指标的分析与已有研究相比照,结论较为相似,即发现中国服务贸易的竞争力、结构以及创新性等方面都存在一定问题。运用非线性最小二乘法,龚珀兹曲线对中国服务贸易周期趋势拟合的结果表明:目前服务贸易存在的种种竞争力较低的表象,均是其在我国成长
欧阳照 刘坤  摘要:自2011年以来,电视穿越剧盛行一时,引起了各界的广泛关注[13]。试以热播剧《宫锁心玉》和《步步惊心》为例,从三个方面探析形成电视穿越剧热潮的缘由。研究结果认为:一是网络文学中穿越小说的兴盛为穿越剧培养了良好的受众基础;二是当前社会转型期的大众心理需求为穿越剧提供了广阔的消费市场;三是目前的穿越剧其实是以穿越为点缀、以成熟的言情剧制作模式为主体,因而易获得观众认可。 
5月10日,沙坪坝区土主撤镇设街道。作为中欧班列重庆的零公里起点,未来土主将成为物流中心、文旅中心、产业中心,建成宜业宜游宜居的现代新城。土主区划调整后,將抢抓西部(重庆)科学城建设、成渝地区双城经济圈建设、沙坪坝区行政中心西迁的重要关键机遇,根据“三大中心”的发展定位,服务物流城、文旅城、佛罗伦萨小镇等市区重点项目建设。  On May 10, Tuzhu Town in Shapingba D
2021年6月7日,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会在重庆举行。国务委员兼外长王毅和中国—东盟关系协调国菲律宾外长洛钦共同主持,东盟其他成员国外长和东盟秘书长出席。  王毅表示,过去30年来,中国和东盟关系实现跨越式发展,释放出蓬勃生机,展现出广阔空间。双方坚持讲信修睦,谋求合作共赢,共同铸就了地区和平稳定的重要支柱,共同打造了发展繁荣的强大引擎,共同树立了亚太区域合作最为成功的典范,
摘要:运用义素分析方法对鲁迅《伤逝》中主人公涓生的名字进行分析,由此发现了涓生形象的四个方面:末人、超人、道德家、忏悔者。这四个方面体现了尼采的超人哲学和托尔斯泰的人道主义思想,因此,涓生其实是鲁迅自己的精神写照,而鲁迅对自己的婚姻、家庭与爱情的思考和艰难选择是建构涓生形象的现实因素。  关键词:末人;超人;道德家;忏悔者;托尼学说;现实因素  中图分类号:H109;I21097  文献标识码
      摘要:马克思主义真正的价值追求,只有在始终坚持将其基本的原理同本国、本民族发展的具体实践相结合的基础上才能真正体现出来。科学发展观的整个理论体系和所有实践活动,都全面、深刻、系统、科学、严密地体现和揭示了马克思主义关于发展问题在当代中国的价值追求。其坚持的以发展为第一要义,体现了马克思主义关于人类社会发展的能动性价值追求;以人为本,体现了对人的全面发展的核心价值追求;全面协调