College in Hangzhou to Operate Confucius Institute in Tennessee

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  With the approval of the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Hangzhou Normal University is authorized to operate a Confucius Institute in cooperation with Middle Tennessee State University. The American partner vows to make it the best Confucius Institute in America.
  This latest Confucius Institute embodies a renewed world-wide enthusiasm about Chinese culture. Confucius Institutes are not normal higher education institutions. They are non-profit public institutions that aim to promote Chinese language and culture in partnership with foreign education institutions. A key task of Confucius Institutes across the world is to provide students with standard and authoritative modern Chinese textbooks and provide standard teaching. The headquarters of Confucius Institutes is in Beijing. All overseas Confucius Institutes are branches in cooperation with foreign education partners. Confucius Institutes are sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban).
  The first Confucius Institute was founded in 2004 in Seoul, Korea. By December 2009, 282 Confucius Institutes and 272 Confucius classrooms had been established in 88 countries with a total of over 230,000 registered students. Statistics show that 40 million people across the world are learning Chinese as a foreign language. 800 universities and colleges in America now offer a Chinese course whereas nearly all colleges and universities in Korea and Japan offer a Chinese course.
  In 2010, Hangzhou Normal University is to set up a Confucius Institute in partnership with Middle Tennessee State University, making the normal university the first city-level higher education to operate such an overseas mission.
  This Confucius Institute in Tennessee will bring a lot of Hangzhou features to the Chinese courses at the Institute. A Chinese cultural festival is to be held in Nashville after the first semester starts at the Confucius Institute. Chinese arts such as acrobatics, music, dance, calligraphy and traditional painting will be showcased at the festival by artists of Hangzhou, introducing the city with its West Lake and West Brook Wetland to local residents.
  At present, eight provincial universities in Zhejiang are operating 11 Confucius Institutes in eight countries.
  On September 21 2009, University Babes-Bolyai of Romania inaugurated Confucius Institute in partnership with Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. Of the 165 registered students in six classes were students, lawyers, doctors and researchers. To promote Chinese culture among Romanians, Chinese teachers have hold performances and shows of Chinese calligraphy, food, qigong and kongfu.
  Of all the Confucius Institutes, the one in partnership with Burapha University of Thailand is unique. It offers TCM courses. The Chinese partner is Wenzhou Medical College in Wenzhou City in southern Zhejiang Province. As an Asian country, traditional Chinese medicine is easily acceptable to people in Thailand. TCM practice is now legalized in Thailand.
  In October 2005, TCM doctors from Wenzhou Medical College came to Thailand and offered TCM outpatient service for three months at a hospital affiliated with Burapha University. It was a big success. The good work also laid a foundation for TCM to become part of the Confucius Institute jointly hosted by Wenzhou Medical College and Burapha University.
  There are now 21 Confucius Institutes and 2 Confucius classrooms in 16 African countries. The first one in Africa was inaugurated in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, in December, 2005. On April 29, 2006, visiting Chinese president Hu Jintao met with students and teachers of the Confucius Institute in Nairobi. The Chinese president was delighted to hear them speak Chinese and sing a Chinese song. □
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浙江小百花新版《梁祝》享誉香港  2010年1月11日,新版越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》在香港新光戏院演出,倾倒了近千名香港市民。特区政府、中联办、特派员公署有关部门代表以及香港各界著名人士应邀观看了演出。  新版《梁祝》是浙江小百花越剧团为纪念越剧百年诞辰而创作的,2006年8月底首次与观众见面,至今已公演80场。作为“2010香港·浙江周”的一个重要活动,此次新版《梁祝》无论是在主题表现、人物塑造,
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