
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haijiehahaha
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Recently,important land use changes have occurred in the Black Sea coastal regions of stanbul due to urban growth and population increases.The objective of this study was to determine changes in land use in the Black Sea coastal regions of stanbul between 1987 and 2007.Landsat 30 m satellite images from 1987 and 2007 are used in the study.The study area is 1000 m in width from the coastline to the land and the study has been carried out using the controlled classification method to classify areas into residential,agricultural,forest,bare land,brush/grassland,and lake/pond land classes.Land use changes between 1987 and 2007 were analysed in detail.Residential areas of the Black Sea coastal regions of stanbul increased by 122% over the two decades.Also an increase of 55% in agriculture areas was observed,while there were decreases of 26% in forest areas and 15% in free land.A 21% increase in the area of brush and grassland took place.Furthermore 79% of the study area was covered by residential areas in 2007.It is probable that pressure on the stanbul coastal regions will continue due to migraton and rapid urbanization.Therefore,Istanbul’s Black Sea coastal regions should be maintained using a sustainable coastal management plan.
如果有天堂,父亲在天上是可以看得见我的。    父亲生于1917年,早年考入北大工学院,读书时投身“一二九”运动,后来,他们兄弟四个成为河北省平原上非常著名的抗日英雄。他亲手除掉过几十个汉奸,带领突击队混进据点,用斧子砍掉了十几个鬼子的头,敌伪叫他“郭阎王”。    作为党的高级干部,他公正廉明,刚直不阿,但从延安整风到反右、“文革”,他一直是被整对象。岁月逐渐改变了他的性格,很多年连生日都不愿过
利用大孔吸附树脂处理含磺胺废水。实验表明,DRH III树脂对磺胺具有良好的吸附,COD约为13750mg/L,经树脂吸附处理后,废水中COD去除率约86%,磺胺的吸附率88.2%,树脂的解吸率为