云锡研究所是国内主要的锡工业科研单位之一。 1955年建所时,不到50人,仅有化验室和选矿、冶炼组各一个,科技人员屈指可数,技术装备少而简陋。经过三十多年的发展,现拥有矿山、选矿、冶金、分析、材料、物质组成、科技情报等七个研究室和修造、中试两个车间及机关后勤部门,是一个采、选、冶等门类齐全的综合性多功能的锡工业科研所,有职工560
Yunxi Research Institute is one of the major tin industrial research institutes in China. When the building was built in 1955, there were fewer than 50 people. There was only one lab and one beneficiation and smelting team. There were only a handful of scientists and technicians, and there were few technical equipments. After more than 30 years of development, it now has seven research rooms, including mines, beneficiation, metallurgy, analysis, materials, material composition, and scientific and technological information, as well as two workshops for repairs and pilot tests, as well as the logistics department of the organization. It is a mining, selection, and metallurgical industry. A comprehensive and versatile tin industrial research institute with a total of 560 employees