自改革开放以来,广东省的珠江三角洲地区连续 14年实现了国内生产总值年均增长17.8%的经济奇迹。这种长时期高速增长的实践使其在广东省的经济地位发生了明显的变化,即人口占广东省30%左右的珠江三角洲所创造的总产出,在广东省占据的份额从1980年的48.5%增加到1994年的70.4%。那么,是什么力量推动了这个地区经济的高速增长呢?这个问题引发了国内外许多经济学者的研究和探讨,并形成了大量的研究成果。概括这些成果,可以把这种推动力归纳为几个方面,即国家优惠政策投入、特殊的地理位置、土地和劳动力等资源优势与香港等地产业结构调整相结合,从而构成了80年代
Since the reform and opening up, the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province has achieved an economic miracle with an average annual GDP growth of 17.8% for 14 consecutive years. This long period of rapid growth led to a marked change in the economic status of Guangdong Province. That is, the total output produced by the Pearl River Delta, which accounts for about 30% of the population in Guangdong Province, accounted for a large share of Guangdong’s economy. Since 1980, 48.5% to 70.4% in 1994. So, what is the power to promote the rapid economic growth in this area? This issue has led to many domestic and foreign economists research and discussion, and the formation of a large number of research results. Summarizing these achievements, we can sum up such impetus into several aspects. That is, the combination of resources such as state preferential policies, special geographical locations, land and labor resources, and industrial restructuring in Hong Kong and other places,