专业人士预测,中国人民银行将继续以试点及平衡各方利益的方式,开放国內人民币保险业务。有关专家预测,到2000年,中国市场将有10家外资和30家本地保险公司进行竞争。人行自1992年和1994年分别给予美国友邦保险和日本东海保险经营人民币保险业务的牌照后,在过去一年中先后正式批准或承诺4家外资保险公司在上海开业。他们是:加拿大的宏利、瑞士的丰泰、德国的 AllianzAG 和法国的AXATUAP。
Professionals predict that the People’s Bank of China will continue to open its domestic renminbi insurance business in a pilot and balanced manner. Experts predict that by the year 2000, there will be 10 foreign-funded and 30 local insurance companies competing in the Chinese market. Since 1992, the People’s Bank of China granted American International Assurance Company (AIA) and the Japanese Donghai Insurance (RMB) insurance business licenses respectively in 1992 and 1994, four foreign insurance companies have officially approved or promised to open in Shanghai in the past year. They are: Manulife of Canada, Winterthur of Switzerland, Allianz AG of Germany and AXATUAP of France.