In order to study the dynamic changes and consumption patterns of water resources and the critical groundwater depth and its variation during the year in different valleys of arid valleys, HYDRUS-1D software was used to establish the groundwater-soil-plant-atmosphere Continuous body (GSPAC) moisture transfer model to simulate the dynamic process of forest water in the valley of Irtysh River in Xinjiang. The results showed that the actual evapotranspiration of the river valley decreased with the decrease of the groundwater level, and the critical groundwater depth (the groundwater depth at the minimum monthly water consumption of 70% of the river valley in each month) to maintain the normal growth of the river valley changed with time The critical depth of the groundwater from April to October in the valley was 6.2m, 4.2m, 2.8m, 3.5m, 9.5m, 12.2m and 8.3m respectively.