【摘 要】
A new type of ionic liquids containing cation of diacetone acrylamide [or N-(1,1- bismethyl-3-oxo-butyl)acrylamide] and anions such as CH3COO- (Ac), CF3COO- (TF
【出 处】
Chinese Chemical Letters
A new type of ionic liquids containing cation of diacetone acrylamide [or N-(1,1- bismethyl-3-oxo-butyl)acrylamide] and anions such as CH3COO- (Ac), CF3COO- (TF), BF4-(BF), PF6-(PF), HSO4-(SO) and Cl-(Cl) were prepared by normal neutralization. The obtained ionic liquids were identified by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. However, their properties such as melting point, conductivity, viscosity etc. were determined.
A new type of ionic liquids containing cation of diacetone acrylamide [or N- (1,1- bismethyl-3-oxo-butyl) acrylamide] and anions such as CH3COO- (Ac), CF3COO- (TF) ), PF6- (PF), HSO4- (SO) and Cl- (Cl) were prepared by normal neutralization. The obtained ionic liquids were identified by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. However, their properties such as melting point, conductivity , viscosity etc. were determined.
What are the
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为了掌握 1 996年 6月— 2 0 0 0年 6月小儿败血症细菌菌群及药敏结果 ,使临床科室了解小儿败血症细菌菌群动态并参考及指导临床抗菌素应用 ,对 1 999年 6月— 2 0 0 0年 6月
刘××男33岁住院号160908 右眼溅入玻璃21年,眼红、痛、视力下降1年。于1988年4月27日入院。1967年右眼被灯泡炸伤,急诊住院。当时右眼视力1.0,10点方位角膜缘外1mm 巩膜上