Analysis on the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Accounting Industry

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  Abstract: Whether in the past or in the current information age, the accounting industry plays an important role in people's daily life and social employment. Accounting can be applied in all walks of life. Especially in the 21st century, it is a trend to make the accounting industry more standardized, scientific, and intelligent. The advent of blockchain technology has made the accounting industry more convenient and effective. Its application in distributed books has unique advantages. It helps the accounting industry to a higher level. Based on this situation, this article analyzes the application of blockchain technology in the accounting industry. After analysis, it hopes to provide some reference values.
  Keywords: Blockchain Technology; Accounting Industry; Application Exploration
  Generally speaking, the blockchain technology uses the time as the classification standard to press the effective data into blocks. This arrangement is a data chain that uses computer encryption algorithms to ensure the preservation of the data. The data are not tampered with, and a real and effective data ledger is obtained. The application of this technology in the accounting industry can record valid data to ensure its authenticity. The data ledger is also transparent and clean. The accounting field in enterprises must ensure the authenticity of data, counterfeiting is the most taboo. The application of blockchain technology can perfectly avoid this and effectively solve the defects in traditional accounting models, thereby ensuring financial security and efficiency.
  1 the importance of blockchain in the accounting industry
  (1)Ensure the authenticity of data information
  In China's traditional accounting work model, centralized accounting is basically implemented. One person can complete all parts of the entire process. Therefore, in many enterprises, there is a phenomenon of false accounting in financial aspects, which are resolutely infeasible for an enterprise. To get rid of this situation, the application of blockchain technology in accounting can solve this problem. Because in the blockchain technology, accounting is not done by the same person, but it is cooperated by many different persons. The accounting work is divided into various  nodes. At the end of each node, there is an identical distributed ledger. Nobody can change this. So the authenticity of the data is guaranteed, and the accounting data are transparent.  Companies can share data so that the information is no longer isolated.   (2) Reduce business transaction costs
  An enterprise's investment in accounting is a huge and indispensable part. Only effective accounting can make the enterprise run healthier. Nevertheless, huge expenses are burdens for some enterprises. It would be a win-win situation if enterprises could reduce capital investment in this while ensuring the effectiveness of accounting. The emergence and application of blockchain technology can fix
  this. First, the most prominent distributed ledger in blockchain technology can realize the transparency of accounting data. So anyone can see the authenticity of the data. When companies have to establish financial connection, they don’t need to hire auditors to check the authenticity of the ledger information. This will greatly save audit costs. At the same time, no third party is required in the transaction process. In the past model, authoritative institutions were needed to enhance the authenticity of data. The detrust feature of blockchain can reduce unnecessary expenditures. This is meaningful for some small and medium enterprises.
  (3) Improve accounting efficiency
  In China's traditional accounting work model, the related matters are all processed in a centralized manner, and the reconciliation and settlement are performed manually. This kind of work is very inefficient, not only wasting a lot of time and manpower, but also prone to errors. Especially at the end of the holiday season, the workload of financial staff is greater. So it is meaningful to improve the efficiency of the accounting staff. In blockchain bookkeeping, the system can automatically check and verify related jobs. Because the distributed ledger is divided into nodes according to time. Checking systems randomly is convenient and efficient. Real-time reconciliation can be achieved to ensure uninterrupted within 24 hours. Blockchain is also transparent in recording the data after the end of a node. In this way, the entry and modification of transaction data will be recorded by any part. Therefore, parties of transactions can grasp the latest information in time when conducting transactions. It will ensure that the financial staff promptly knows the information.
  2 Challenges of blockchain application in the accounting industry
  (1)Industry standards have not yet been established, and relevant laws are still blank.
  Although blockchain technology has been applied in some enterprises’ accounting part in China, it is still incomplete as a whole. Relevant laws and regulations have not yet been established. Many accountants work at the base of their knowledge and personal experience. So the blockchain does not have standardized. The mature application of any technology requires a unified industry standard. Even though China has a comparatively complete accounting system, the worldwide standards haven’t been confluent. This status makes any enterprise dare not to be a leader. No rules, no standards. Nowadays, blockchain technology is in a legal blank. This will be very dangerous if the blockchain has problems in trade settlement. Those potential problems may cause difficulties.   (2) Blockchain urgently needs a large number of senior talents to enhance core competitiveness.
  The application of blockchain technology in the accounting industry has a bright future, but it is lack of senior talents. The shortage of talents is difficult for enterprises to enhance the competitiveness. The blockchain technology requires high-level computer professionals. It means basic computer knowledge is not enough. Well, undergraduates major in computer are trained basically. R & D personnels need to have research and development capabilities. Thus, the blockchain needs training plans for talents to overcome the bottleneck.
  Conclusion remarks:
  No matter when and where, accounting is closely related in many industries and people's daily life. In the era of big data centered on the Internet, changes of accounting industry are even more obvious. Accounting industry is facing many challenges. Only by keeping up with the time can we ensure the sustainability of the industry. However, China's traditional accounting model is relatively behindhand. The existed model reduces the work efficiency and makes false accounts happen from time to time. The application of blockchain technology in accounting will completely solve this problem. On the one hand, it improves work efficiency, on the other hand it ensures the authenticity of data and brings better vitality to the accounting industry.
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【摘 要】 根据元江县农村土地承包经营权流转情况,阐述了土地流转的特点、成效,提出了农村土地承包经营权流转在农村经济发展中的作用  【关键词】 农村 土地流转 特点 成效 元江  一、农村土地承包经营权流转特点  2019年全县农村土地承包经营面积48.17万亩,承包土地经营农户3.97万户。农村土地经营权流转面积7.30万亩,其中:承包经营权流转面积4.79万亩,占总承包面积10%,非承包耕地流
【摘 要】 本文运用2004-2017年省级面板数据,分析发现:从全国来看,出生率不仅与房价存在U型关系与经济增长亦存在U型关系,不同的是经济增长的拐点要提前于房价的拐点,政策建议上,建议合理调控房价,生育政策的目标应建立在减少家庭生育成本的基础上。  【关键词】 房价 出生率 U型曲线  20世纪90年代以来,我国人民的平均生育意愿低于2个,反映出较低的生育水平已成为我国目前的人口“新常态”[1
【摘 要】 通过当前经济情况分析(全球与我国家电行业发展情况、家电行业环境分析与发展前景、SWOT综合分析)三方面,对家电行业的内外环境、宏观背景等进行全面阐述分析。  【关键词】 家电 宏观 微观 波特五力模型  1.1宏观环境分析  1.1.1全球家电行业发展概况  (1)世界家电产业市场规模及分布状况。世界家电的生产主要集中在北美、亚洲和西欧,全球83%的家电产品由这三个地区生产。亚洲市场潜