【摘 要】
原国际隧道工程协会执委会委员、中国土木工程学会隧道及地下工程学会理事长、著名的隧道及地下工程专家 ,西南交通大学高渠清教授于 2 0 0 1年 6月 7日在成都病逝 ,享年 81
原国际隧道工程协会执委会委员、中国土木工程学会隧道及地下工程学会理事长、著名的隧道及地下工程专家 ,西南交通大学高渠清教授于 2 0 0 1年 6月 7日在成都病逝 ,享年 81岁。高渠清教授 ,是我国隧道及地下工程学科的奠基人 ,早年曾留学英国 ,新中国成立不久 ,怀着赤子报国之
The former member of the International Tunneling Engineering Association Executive Committee, China Society of Civil Engineering Tunnel and Underground Engineering Society, the famous tunnel and underground engineering experts, Southwest Jiaotong University professor Gao Duanqing on June 7, 2001 in Chengdu died, enjoy the year 81 years old. Professor Gao DQQ is the founder of the tunnel and underground engineering discipline in our country. In his early years, he had studied in the United Kingdom. Soon after the founding of new China,
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