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《神农本草经》(《本经》)是我国最早的一部药物学专著,约成书于秦汉时期,共收药物365种,言性味,述主治,钩玄索隐,要言不繁,是药物学之鼻祖,后世本草著作多引用之,乃研究中医药者必读之书。动物药古称“虫类药”,《周礼》有五药之说,郑玄注曰:“五药,草、木、虫、石、谷也”。《大戴礼》具体指出:“禽为羽虫,兽为毛虫,龟为甲虫,鱼为鳞虫,人为倮虫”。《本经》中收载的动物类药,上品11种,中品24种,下品32种,共67种.占18.36%,说明我们的祖先很早就重视动物药的应用。 “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” (“Ben Cao Jing”) is the earliest monograph on pharmacology in China. It was written in the Qin and Han Dynasties and received a total of 365 kinds of drugs. It was said that it was an indictor, and it was inexplicable. It is the earliest ancestor of pharmacology. It is a must-read book for those studying traditional Chinese medicine. Animal medicine is called “insect medicine” in ancient times. “Zhou Li” has five medicines and Zheng Xuan’s notes are: “Five medicines, grass, wood, insects, rocks, and valleys.” “Da Dai Li” specifically pointed out: “Avians are feather worms, beasts are caterpillars, turtles are beetles, fish are helminths, and humans are locusts”. The animal medicines contained in the “Ben Jing” contained 11 kinds of top grades, 24 kinds of middle grades, and 32 kinds of lower grades, totaling 67 species, accounting for 18.36%. This shows that our ancestors paid great attention to the application of animal medicines very early.