“真情有约”工作室请我去给一帮单身男女们搞一次关于婚 恋的讲座。会后又有一些人要求与我个别交流,我这才注意到她,一个教数学的中学女教师。她的年龄难以判断,好象二十几岁,也可以说三十几岁。而且看不出她是否特别漂亮。她微笑着,歪着头,眼睛很亮很亮,嘴巴却小小的,鼻子高高的,下巴尖尖的,整个面色像是太阳晒不黑的鸡蛋那样,光滑而且整洁。只不过在她的嘴角上方长了一颗黑痣,很醒目。 我说:“你那颗痣点缀得很好,样子很美,显示出了个性。”她很惊讶,感动了好一会,她说她那颗痣带给她太多的烦恼,甚至导致了婚姻的失败。
“The truth about” studio asked me to go to a group of single men and women engaged in a lecture on marriage. After the meeting, some people asked me to communicate individually, and I noticed that she was a high school female teacher who taught mathematics. Her age is difficult to judge, as if the twenties, we can say thirties. And do not see if she is particularly beautiful. She smiled, tilted her head, her eyes very bright and bright, her mouth was small, her nose tall, her chin pointed, her face as smooth and neat as the sunless eggs. Just a mole above her mouth, it is eye-catching. I said, “Your mole is beautifully decorated, looks beautiful and shows a personality.” She was surprised and touched for a moment, saying that her mole brought her too much trouble and even led to The failure of marriage.