为科学规划蜂窝物联网,首先综合技术特点、业务态势、投资效益、LTE FDD步伐等因素提出规划原则;然后重点分析研究频率规划、分场景规划指标、站址规划等关键环节,构建完善的蜂窝物联网规划体系;最后提出了蜂窝物联网部署策略相关建议。
In order to plan the cellular Internet of things scientifically, firstly, the planning principles are put forward based on the technical features, business conditions, investment benefits, the pace of LTE FDD and other factors. Then, the key links such as frequency planning, sub-scenario planning indicators and site planning are analyzed emphatically, IOT planning system; Finally, I propose some suggestions about Cellular IoT deployment strategy.