Blind equalization and automatic modulation classification based on subspace for subcarrier MPSK opt

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meal09
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Equalization can compensate channel distortion caused by channel multipath effects, and effectively improve convergent of modulation constellation diagram in optical wireless system. In this paper, the subspace blind equalization algorithm is used to preprocess M-ary phase shift keying(MPSK) subcarrier modulation signal in receiver. Mountain clustering is adopted to get the clustering centers of MPSK modulation constellation diagram, and the modulation order is automatically identified through the k-nearest neighbor(KNN) classifier. The experiment has been done under four different weather conditions. Experimental results show that the convergent of constellation diagram is improved effectively after using the subspace blind equalization algorithm, which means that the accuracy of modulation recognition is increased. The correct recognition rate of 16 PSK can be up to 85% in any kind of weather condition which is mentioned in paper. Meanwhile, the correct recognition rate is the highest in cloudy and the lowest in heavy rain condition. Equalization can compensate channel distortion caused by channel multipath effects, and effectively improve convergent of modulation constellation diagram in optical wireless system. In this paper, the subspace blind equalization algorithm is used to preprocess M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) subcarrier modulation signal in receiver. Mountain clustering is adopted to get the clustering centers of MPSK modulation constellation diagram, and the modulation order is automatically identified through the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. Experimental results show that that the convergent of constellation diagram is improved effectively after using the subspace blind equalization algorithm, which means that the accuracy of modulation recognition is increased. The correct recognition rate of 16 PSK can be up to 85% in any kind of weather condition which is mentioned in paper. Meanwhile, the correct recognition rate is the highes t in cloudy and the lowest in heavy rain condition.
目的:对红柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)醇提物乙酸乙酯萃取层进行化学成分研究,并研究红柳含药血浆对类风湿关节炎纤维细胞样滑膜细胞(RA-FLS)的抑制作用。方法:1.红柳细嫩枝条经70%乙醇回流提取2次,减压浓缩,依次用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取。乙酸乙酯萃取层采用多种色谱分离方法(薄层色谱、正相硅胶色谱、反相ODS色谱、凝胶色谱和高效液相色谱等)和重结晶纯化得到单体
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普法战争前夕的“特罗普曼事件”促成了《小日报》的发迹,成为法国煽情和黄色小报发展史上的一个标志事件。    今天的法国报业说来是江河日下:全国没有过百万份的报纸,唯一一份过50万的《法兰西西部报》还不在首都巴黎。在19世纪末到第一次世纪大战前,巴黎曾是世界报业之都,四五份大众化日报的发行量高达500万份,为世界之最。史学家公认1881年的《出版自由法》是当时世界上最先进的新闻法,是法国新闻事业一度
本论文由三章组成:第一章为育亨宾化学成分及神经保护作用研究,是本文的主体部分;第二章为野核桃叶石油醚部位化学成分研究;第三章为综述,对育亨宾及其异构体的的来源与药理活性研究进行了归纳和总结。育亨宾(Pausinystalia yohimbe)主要生长在非洲西海岸的热带地区。为了更有效的利用育亨宾树资源,本文对育亨宾树皮进行了系统的化学成分研究和神经保护作用探索。从育亨宾树皮中共分离得到18个化合物
目的:   丹参注射液(salivia Miltiorrhiza Injection,SMI)是一种具有增加冠状动脉血流量、抗心肌缺血等药理作用而被广泛应用于临床的中药制剂。丹参素(Danshengsu,Dhpl)是