Based on the dielectric continuum model and the uniaxial crystal model, Fr? Hlich Hamiltonian of interface phonon modes in wurtzite quantum wells and its electro-phonon interaction was studied. We calculated and discussed the wurtzite GaN / ZnO single quantum The phonon dispersion in the well and the coupling strength of the electro phonon interaction.The dispersion curve fully reflects the anisotropy of the wurtzite crystal.The four interface phonon modes appear in two energy regions, The dispersion curves of the interface phonons disappear with the decrease of the wave number q; ⊥, which shows that the interface (⊥, TZnO, ω_ (z, TGaN)] and [ω_ (⊥, LZnO, ω_ (z, LGaN) The region of energy overlap exists between the phonons and the other phonon modes, and our results also illustrate the symmetry and coupling strength of each phonon interaction with the electrons in a wurtzite GaN / ZnO single quantum well.