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1927年7月,第一次国内革命战争失败。7月上旬,党中央领导机构改组,成立了由张国焘、周恩来、李立三、张太雷和李维汉组成的政治局五人常委会。常委会决定了举行八一起义、湘鄂赣粤四省秋收暴动,还决定召开一次中央紧急会议。秋白不是政治局常委,当时在庐山休养,7月下旬回到武汉后,实际上就参加了中央领导,并主持中央紧急会议的筹备工作。 In July 1927, the first revolutionary civil war failed. In early July, the leadership of the Party Central Committee was reorganized and a five-member Standing Committee of the Politburo formed by Zhang Guotao, Zhou Enlai, Li Lisan, Zhang Tailei and Li Weihan was established. The NPC Standing Committee decided to hold the August 1 Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Rebellion in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong Provinces. It also decided to hold a central emergency meeting. Qiubai was not a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. At that time, he recuperated at Lushan Mountain. After returning to Wuhan in late July, he actually took part in the leadership of the Central Committee and presided over the preparatory work for the emergency meeting of the Central Government.
We investigate the Landau damping of the collective mode in a quasi-two-dimension repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate by using the self-consistent time-dependent